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Joining the BBOTC is a step towards contributing to the preservation of Jain culture, supporting community services, and being a part of a vibrant spiritual network. As a member, you will have the opportunity to actively participate in religious and cultural events, contribute to charitable activities, and help in the management of tirthas.

Community Engagement

Connect with like-minded individuals who share your values and commitment to Jainism.

Cultural Preservation

Help in preserving and promoting the rich heritage of Jain tirthas managed by BBOTC.

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Get priority access to events, spiritual retreats, and community services offered by the committee.

Recent Completed Project

Etiam non purus eros. Nam convallis lectus at felis faucibus, commodo vestibulum magna laoreet. Aenean nec sem semper sem ultricies interdum.

About Us

The Shri Bengal Bihar Orissa Digambar Jain Tirtha Kshetra Committee supports spiritual journeys and preserves rich Jain heritage.

We make pilgrimages to tirthas simple, ensuring dedicated community service.

Contact Info

Shri Bengal Bihar Orissa Digamber Jain Tirth Kshetra Committee
64, Nalini Seth Road
Kolkata - 700007
WB, India


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